
resin injection meaning in English



  1. Repair of cracked concrete by resin injection
  2. Vari vacuum assisted resin injection
  3. The effect of intensifier and other conditions on the mechanical properties of composite is studied for the sake of searching the optimal compounding and the optimal technological process . first , a series of composites are manufactured by means of different nonwoven fabric and different resin . the dissimilar methods are adopted including hand molding , vacuum - bag molding and vacuum assistant resin injection
  4. Second , many mechanical properties are tested , for example , tensile strength and tensile modulus , flexural strength and flextural modulus and impact strength . by the analysis of the tensile stress - strain curves and the flexural stress - strain curves , the results are as follows : 1 ) the voluminal content of fibre of composite making by vacuum assistant resin injection is more than other composites . 2 ) the mechanical properties of the needlepunching nonwoven fabric reinforced polymer composite are superior to these of the calendering nonwoven fabric reinforced polymer composite
    首先,采用不同的增强材料(针刺非织造布和热轧非织造布) 、不同的基体材料( 961树脂和306树脂)和不同的成型工艺方法(手糊法、真空袋法和真空辅助成型法)制造出了一系列非织造布增强复合材料,然后对它们的拉伸强度、拉仲弹性模量、弯曲强度、弯曲弹性模量和冲击强度等力学性能进行了测试,并分析了它们的拉伸载荷? ?位移曲线和弯曲载荷? ?位移曲线,结果表明真空辅助成型工艺能大大提高纤维的体积含量;针刺非织造布增强复合材料各项力学性能优于热轧非织造布增强复合材料。

Related Words

  1. aminotriazine resin
  2. coating resins
  3. terpene resin
  4. resin cement
  5. fluor resin
  6. chloroprene resin
  7. lignin resin
  8. resin cation
  9. polyester resin
  10. resin permalloy
  11. resin in pulp plant
  12. resin in pulp process
  13. resin insulator
  14. resin interlining
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